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Business Advisory Councils

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland currently has eight Business Advisory Councils (BACs) and the Appalachia Oil and Gas Roundtable that provide timely information on business conditions to help our researchers identify emerging trends and to inform policymakers about the impact of monetary policy on the regional economy.

The BACs represent the following regions that cover the Fourth Federal Reserve District: northeastern Ohio, northwestern Ohio, northwestern Pennsylvania, southwestern Pennsylvania and northern West Virginia, central Ohio, the Dayton area, southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky, and eastern Kentucky. Additionally, the Bank’s Appalachia Oil and Gas Roundtable, which meets twice yearly, comprises energy company executives whose businesses operate in southeastern Ohio, eastern Kentucky, northern West Virginia, and southwestern Pennsylvania. Councilmembers are recruited annually and represent a cross-section of regional businesses, labor organizations, and economic-development organizations to ensure that data collected on the regional economy reflect the views of an array of stakeholders.

Members are identified through Bank- and community-sponsored events, referrals from current councilmembers and directors, civically engaged Bank employees, and regional outreach. Councilmembers are selected to serve a three-year term and may serve up to two terms.

Download a complete PDF of the Business Advisory Councils
Download a complete PDF of the Appalachia Oil and Gas Roundtable

Responsibilities and Qualifications of Business Advisory Council Members

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Business Advisory Councils comprise thought leaders from diverse businesses, economic-development organizations, and labor groups throughout the Fourth Federal Reserve District. Members provide data on current economic conditions from the perspective of their organizations, industries, and regions. In most cases, councils meet quarterly with senior bank officials at locations in their respective regions. Councilmembers are also asked to participate in the Bank’s Beige Book survey. Information provided by councilmembers helps Federal Reserve officials keep their fingers on the pulse of the Fourth District’s economic environment and understand public perceptions of the Federal Reserve System and its actions.

Each councilmember is a senior leader within their organization and conversant about their firm and the broader industry or environment in which the firm operates. All members are active and engaged in their communities, and they understand and are able to articulate how economic conditions affect their regions and communities. Members are selected without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin.

Appalachia Oil and Gas Roundtable

Curry James

James Curry

Managing ShareholderBabst Calland Attorneys at Law

Deluliis Nick

Nick Deluliis

President and Chief Executive OfficerCNX Resources

Denger Dennis

Dennis Denger

President and Chief Executive OfficerRange Resources Corporation

Dugan Tim

Tim Dugan

President and Chief Executive OfficerOlympus Energy, LLC

Floerke Greg

Greg Floerke

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerMPLX GP, LLC

Gray Brad

Brad Gray

President and Chief Financial OfficerDiversified Energy Company

Klaber Kathryn

Kathryn Klaber

Managing PartnerThe Klaber Group

Mork Kyle

Kyle Mork

President and Chief Executive OfficerGreylock Energy

Rice Toby

Toby Rice

President and Chief Executive OfficerEQT Corporation

Taylor Cory

Cory Taylor

Vice President Commercial DevelopmentWilliams

Walker Ray

Ray Walker

Chief Operating OfficerEncino Energy

Weber Richard D

Richard D. Weber

Chairman and Chief Executive OfficerPennEnergy Resources, LLC

Central OH

Auch Mary

Mary Auch

Regional President, Central OhioPNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

Balzer Tom

Tom Balzer

President and Chief Executive OfficerOhio Trucking Association

Congrove Darci

Darci Congrove

Managing DirectorGBQ Partners LLC

Clay Derrick

Derrick Clay

President and Chief Executive OfficerColumbus Chamber of Commerce

Hayek Joe

Joe Hayek

Chief Financial and Operations OfficerWorthington Enterprises, Inc.

Hill Gale

Gale Hill

Franchise OwnerMcDonalds

Iannarino Anthony

Anthony Iannarino

President and Chief Sales OfficerSolutions Staffing

Kirkendall Mark

Mark Kirkendall

Vice PresidentM/I Homes, Inc.

Knisley Mike

Mike Knisley

Executive Secretary-TreasurerOhio State Building and Construction Trades Council

Mcdonald Kenny

Kenny McDonald

PresidentOne Columbus

McWhorter John

John McWhorter

Senior Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerOhio Health

Meeting Andy

Andy Meeting

Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller and Principal Accounting OfficerBath and Body Works

Vickers Billy

Billy Vickers

President and Chief Executive OfficerModular Assembly Innovations

Dayton Area

Barry Doug

Doug Barry

PresidentBarry Staff

Compton Doug

Doug Compton

Market President, SW OhioCF Bank

Cronin Tom

Tom Cronin

Vice President of Maintenance and Employee RelationsDayton Freight Lines, Inc.

Dimbath Kent

Kent Dimbath

Chief Financial OfficerDorothy Lane Market

Goodstein Benjamin

Benjamin Goodstein

Vice President and Chief Ambulatory OfficerDayton Children's Hospital

Jones Jessica

Jessica Jones

President and Chief Executive OfficerUniversal 1 Credit Union

Kelly Dan

Dan Kelly

PresidentBenjamin Steel Company

Kershner Chris

Chris Kershner

President and Chief Executive OfficerDayton Area Chamber of Commerce

Patel Kunal

Kunal Patel

Broker/OwnerGlasshouse Realty Group

Stout Greg

Greg Stout

Chief Executive and Chief Financial OfficerVoss Auto Network

Volker Jason

Jason Volker

Vice President of FinanceHeidelberg Distributing Company

Ward Katie

Katie Ward

Chief Executive Officer and OwnerP&R Communications

Wellinghoff Greg

Greg Wellinghoff

OwnerThe Keilson Dayton Company

Wofford Al

Al Wofford

PresidentCDO Technologies

Eastern KY

Edwards Robert

Robert Edwards

Vice President and Chief Strategy & Growth OfficerUniversity of Kentucky HealthCare

Enlow Jacob

Jacob Enlow

Director of FinanceCastle and Key Distillery

Frankl Eric

Eric Frankl

Executive DirectorBlue Grass Airport

Mahan John

John Mahan


Michel Ouita

Ouita Michel

OwnerHolly Hill Restaurant Group

Quick Robert L

Robert Quick

President and Chief Executive OfficerCommerce Lexington, Inc.

Ramer Mary Quinn

Mary Quinn Ramer


Rucker Annita

Annita Rucker

Business Development DirectorQvell

Russell Tate

Tate Russell

PresidentKentucky Eagle, Inc.

Stacy Greg

Greg Stacy

Executive Vice PresidentCentral Bank

Vincent Richard

Richard Vincent

Executive Vice PresidentAssociated General Contractors of Kentucky

Waugerman Allen

Allen Waugerman

President and Chief Executive OfficerLexmark

Weldon Mary-Alicha

Mary-Alicha Weldon

City President and Commercial Banking Sales ManagerFifth Third

Northeast OH

Daga Sunil

Sunil (Sunny) Daga

PresidentWrap-Tite, Inc.

Diamond Jack

Jack Diamond

Chief Executive OfficerBrennan Manna Diamond

Joyce Terry

Terry Joyce

Business Manager, Building Laborers Union, Local 310Cleveland Building Construction Trades Council

Keresman Michael A

Michael Keresman III

Founder, Chair, President, and Chief Executive OfficerCardinal Commerce Corporation

Logan Andrew

Andrew Logan

President and Chief Executive OfficerLogan Clutch Corporation

Riley Kimberly

Kimberly Riley

ChairTeam NEO

Weiner Beth

Beth Weiner

Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerMarc Glassman, Inc. dba Marc’s

Northwest OH

Bauer Michael

Michael Bauer

Chief Executive OfficerLibbey Inc

Benington Eric

Eric Benington

Chief Financial OfficerRudolph Libbe Group

Favorite Paul

Paul Favorite

Chief Operating OfficerShumaker

Gramza Wendy

Wendy Gramza

President and Chief Executive OfficerToledo Regional Chamber of Commerce

Harmon Jimmy

Jimmy Harmon

Chief Executive OfficerBennett Management Corp.

Hoelter Michael

Michael Hoelter

Vice President, Corporate Controller and Investor RelationsThe Andersons

Koralewski Michael

Michael Koralewski

Chief Supply Chain OfficerFirst Solar

Stocking Andy

Andy Stocking

President and Chief Executive OfficerPrinciple Business Enterprises

Weinhardt Dawn

Dawn Weinhardt

Vice President of OperationsShores & Islands Ohio

Winston Thomas

Thomas Winston

President and Chief Executive OfficerToledo Lucas County Port Authority

Yark John

John Yark

PresidentYark Automotive

Northwest PA

Anderson Carl

Carl Anderson

Chief Financial OfficerReed Manufacturing Company

Austin Pete

Pete Austin

Vice PresidentE. E. Austin & Son, Inc.

Bender Harold H

Harold H. Bender

Chief Executive OfficerHardinger

Bohrer Kyle

Kyle Bohrer


DeArment Jon

Jon DeArment

President and Chief Operations OfficerChannellock, Inc.

Hinsdale Kyle

Kyle Hinsdale

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer JTM Foods, LLC

Jones Katie

Katie Jones

Regional PresidentERIE BANK

Kern Bruce II

Bruce Kern II

PresidentCurtze Food Service

Knight Cory

Cory Knight

PresidentErie Bronze and Aluminum, Co.

Mendoza Brandon

Brandon Mendoza

CEO and PresidentErie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership

Pelkowski Julie

Julie Pelkowski

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerErie Insurance

Scott Chris N

Chris N. Scott

Vice PresidentScott Enterprises

Tupitza Tom

Tom Tupitza

PresidentKnox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett, P.C.

Zaphiris Peter

Peter Zaphiris

OwnerGreat Lakes Insurance Services

Shenango-Mahoning Valley

Bush Ben

Ben Bush

Executive DirectorForward Lawrence Chamber & Economic Alliance

Coviello Guy

Guy Coviello

President and Chief Executive OfficerYoungstown Warren Regional Chamber

Davis Rich

Rich Davis

Chief Financial OfficerEllwood Group

Deible Corey

Corey Deible

Chief Financial OfficerPJ Dick- Trumbull-Lindy Paving

Demmler John

John Demmler

President and Chief Executive Officer717 Credit Union

Edwards Gordon

Gordon Edwards

Chief Financial Officer, TreasurerAkron Children’s Hospital

Feeney Tim

Tim Feeney

General ManagerZekelman Industries

George David

David George

President and Chief Executive OfficerJoy Baking Group

Kachulis Lew

Lew Kachulis

Chief Executive OfficerSynergy Com

Koch Jr Joe

Joe Koch Jr.

Vice PresidentJoe Koch Construction, Inc.

Krieder Frank

Frank Krieder

President, Northwest RegionFirst National Bank

Lenhart Zachary

Zachary Lenhart

Vice President of OperationsUPMC Horizon/Jameson

McClymonds Mark

Mark McClymonds

PresidentMcClymonds Supply & Transit Company

Richardson Kathy

Kathy Richardson

PresidentWestminster College

Ryan Allen

Allen Ryan

Director of Corporate AffairsCovelli Enterprises

Sweeney-Blackann Alexa

Alexa Sweeney-Blackann

Interim President and Chief Executive OfficerLake to River Ohio

Wilt Rod

Rod Wilt

Executive DirectorPenn-Northwest Development Corporation

Southwest OH and Northern KY

Billings Michelle

Michelle Billings

Realtor and President of Cincinnati Areas Board of RealtorsColdwell Banker Realty

Burns Karin

Karin Burns

Head of MarketingGE Aerospace

Cull Brendon

Brendon Cull

President and Chief Executive OfficerCincinnati USA Regional Chamber

Fischer Greg

Greg Fischer

ChairFischer Homes

Flerlage Kelly

Kelly Flerlage

Chief Executive OfficerTDG Facilities LLC

Fowler Tadd

Tadd Fowler

Senior Vice President Procter Gamble Company The

Gruffydd Dil

Dil Gruffydd

Chief Financial OfficerCincinnati / Northern Kentucky International Airport

Herche Dave

Dave Herche

ChairHBH Holdings, Inc.

Hughes Kevin

Kevin Hughes

Managing PrincipalCushman & Wakefield

Lauterbach Kimm

Kimm Lauterbach

President and Chief Executive OfficerREDI Cincinnati

Sampson Lisa

Lisa Sampson

Senior Vice PresidentPNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

Smith Barb

Barb Smith

PresidentJourney Steel, Inc.

Spata Drew

Drew Spata

Vice President for Economics and ForecastingMacy's

Southwest PA and Northern WV

Broadhurst Jeff

Jeff Broadhurst

President and CEOEat'n Park Hospitality Group

Everson Scott

Scott Everson

Chairman, President, and CEO of Unified BankUnited Bancorp, Inc

Fink Steve

Steve Fink

Marketing DirectorParagon Homes, Inc.

Karkhanis Andrea

Andrea Karkhanis

Director Marketing ResearchVisit Pittsburgh

Kiger Jennifer

Jennifer Kiger

Co-PresidentRiesbeck Food Markets, Inc.

Kopf Robert Y

Robert Y. Kopf

Vice President – Sales and MarketingUnited States Steel Corporation

Kronman Jeremy

Jeremy Kronman

Vice ChairCBRE Pittsburgh

Mimran Aaron

Aaron Mimran

Regional Vice PresidentComcast Business

Rao Rama Subba

Rama Subba Rao Mithipati

Executive Vice PresidentAquatech International

Sentner Patrick

Patrick Sentner

Executive Vice PresidentColliers International

Sheetz Joe

Joe Sheetz

Chairman of the BoardSheetz, Inc.

Candidate Recommendations

Engagement is a key part of what we do at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. To recommend a candidate to serve on one of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland's boards of directors, advisory councils, or other forms of engagement with the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, complete and submit this form. Self-recommendations are also welcome.

If you have a question about our Bank's recruitment process, please contact us.