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Application Filings and Notices
The Applications section within the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Supervision and Regulation Department is responsible for processing various types of applications received from bank holding companies (BHCs), savings and loan holding companies (SLHCs), state member banks and institution-affiliated parties.
Filing banking applications
FedEZFile is strongly recommended as the most efficient method of filing applications. FedEZFile is the Federal Reserve System’s single technology tool that offers an easy, immediate, and secure way for financial organizations supervised by the Federal Reserve Board, their authorized representatives, and individuals to:
- Submit filings;
- View the status of their filings;
- Communicate with assigned Reserve Bank and/or Board analyst(s) and attorneys; and
- Receive digitally signed correspondence from the Federal Reserve.
Below are links to the FedEZFile tool as well as the companion learning resource, FedEZFile Fluent. FedEZFile Fluent, available without registration, contains videos and quick reference guides, which provide step-by-step instructions on how to register, submit a filing, and access filing information

- Bank holding company filings and applications
- International organization filings and applications
- Financial holding company filings and applications
- Savings and loan holding company filings and applications
- Savings and loan holding company/mutual holding company filings and applications
- State member bank filings and applications
As an additional resource for determining Banking Market Definitions, the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank created CASSIDI, a resource that provides banking market definitions as well as a tool to calculate how a potential merger transaction would change a banking market’s concentration. Users are able to search for and view banking markets, find banking market concentrations, and perform “what if” analyses on banking market structures.
These banking market definitions are currently used by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland in analyzing the competitive effects of banking proposals within the Fourth District. The market definitions are typically based on several factors that include, but are not limited to, trade areas, commuting patterns, political boundaries, and the location and size of banks and other financial institutions.
These market definitions are subject to modification as the aforementioned factors change or as applications are processed. Evaluation of a market definition typically is linked to analysis of specific applications. The definitions reflect those currently in use.
Public comments
You may submit comments on an application filed with the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland electronically to comments.applications@clev.frb.org or in hard copy to:
Jenni Frazer
Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
PO Box 6387
Cleveland, Ohio 44101-1387
Comments must be received by the Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the public comment period.