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Speakers Bureau

The Cleveland Fed’s Speakers Bureau offers access to experts who can offer insight on a broad range of topics. Fed speakers can give presentations, lead workshops, or serve as panelists, providing an exchange of ideas that fosters discussion and encourages audience involvement. We work with professional, business, and civic groups. This free service is available to groups of 25 or more.

To request a speaker from the Cleveland Fed or from our Cincinnati or Pittsburgh Branches, complete our Speaker Request Form.

Please allow at least three months before your program to arrange for a speaker. Questions? Contact Ericka Thoms, Communications, at or 216.579.2891.

Speech Requests

Cleveland Fed employees can speak to non-profit organizations and groups on a variety of topics. Our speakers bureau evaluates a number of factors in deciding whether speech requests are appropriate, including the topic, venue, and timing.

Before making a request, please be aware that our speakers cannot accept invitations to:

  • Political gatherings or fundraising events.
  • Events sponsored by financial institutions or for-profit companies hosting current or prospective clients or customers.
  • Programs scheduled during the Federal Reserve’s blackout period.

The Cleveland Fed should be given advance opportunity to review invitations, promotional materials and announcements.

Our speakers cannot discuss monetary policy or the current economy from one week before through the Friday after a Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, the period known as “blackout.” 

2025 Blackout Dates

  • January 18-30
  • March 8-20
  • April 26-May 8
  • June 7-19
  • July 19-31
  • September 6-18
  • October 18-30
  • November 29-11

Cincinnati Branch Programs (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cincinnati Office)

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Cincinnati Branch provides community and business groups with a 90-minute look at the Fed. The program can include a tour of the building and a speech on the purposes and functions of the Federal Reserve. The free service also makes available Bank speakers for off-site locations. To request a speaker, call the Tour, Speeches, and Outreach line, phone 513.455.4340.

Speech Topics

If you don’t find the topic you are looking for below, contact Ericka Thoms, Communications, or phone 216.579.2891.

  • The Federal Reserve Explained: Most people have heard of the Federal Reserve but often don’t know exactly what the Fed does and why. This speech provides an overview of the Federal Reserve and a closer look at one of its most important responsibilities — formulating the nation’s monetary policy.
  • Regional Economic Outlook: Presentation on economic indicators and financial issues of interest to residents and businesses in the Fourth District — Ohio, western Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and the northern panhandle of West Virginia.
  • National Economic Outlook: Presentation on national economic indicators and financial issues.
  • Current Economic Policy Issues: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland economists discuss their research in areas such as labor markets, household finance, inflation measurement and forecasting, financial stability, and international markets.
  • Bank Regulatory Issues: Examination of emerging issues affecting Fourth District financial institutions such as safety and soundness, banking conditions and trends, and laws protecting consumers’ rights.
  • Payments System: Discussion of payments services the Federal Reserve provides to depository institutions and the federal government, such as electronic payments and cash operations.
  • Community Development: Topics include community and economic development, land banking, access to credit and capital, and foreclosures.

Gifts and Honoraria

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s code of conduct prohibits its Bank officers and employees from accepting gifts, honoraria, or compensation in connection with Bank speeches, panel discussions, publications, or other communications. We are pleased to have the opportunity to speak to your organization but ask that you do not buy or present any gift or memento, which our speakers would have to decline or return.