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Edward S. Knotek II
macroeconomics, monetary economics, forecasting
Macroeconomic Policy

Daniel R. Carroll
macroeconomics, income and wealth inequality, public finance

Chengcheng Jia
monetary economics, macroeconomics, economic growth and productivity

Kurt G. Lunsford
macro and monetary economics, applied-time series statistics, forecasting
Macroeconomic Forecasting

Paolo Gelain
new Keynesian DSGE models, optimal monetary policy, house prices and household debt

Pierlauro Lopez
macroeconomics, asset pricing, monetary economics, computational methods

Randal J. Verbrugge
prices and business cycles, applied time series, housing
Center for Inflation Research

Robert W. Rich
macroeconomics, time series econometrics, expectations formation, inflation dynamics

Vittoria Dicandia
labor economics, technological change, racial disparities, education, policing, migration

Karen Kopecky
macroeconomics, inequality, health, public finance, household and family economics

Pawel M. Krolikowski
labor economics, business cycles, worker mobility and unemployment

Roberto B. Pinheiro
skills and labor productivity, spatial distribution of economic activity, information and market design
Banking and Finance

Joseph G. Haubrich
financial institutions, regulatory policy, term structure of interest rates

Lara Loewenstein
commercial and residential real estate, mortgage markets, applied microeconomics

Edward S. Prescott
contract theory, financial intermediation, financial history, and organizational theory
Regional Analysis

Brooke Dirtzu

Julianne Dunn

Jayme V. Gerring

Brett Huettner

Mitchell Isler

Russell Mills
labor markets and regional demographic and economic indicators

Carol Moseley

Stephan D. Whitaker
migration and labor mobility, housing supply and markets, state and local public finance
Small Business Credit Survey

Hal Martin

Allison Clark

Cornelius Johnson

Jordan Manes

Jason Meyer
Economist Emeritus

Ben R. Craig

Owen F. Humpage

Mark E. Schweitzer

Ellis W. Tallman
Research Analysts

Alexander Cline

Ruchita Coomar

Martin DeLuca

James Hamlette

Taylor N. Horn

Dylan C. Jacobs

Mukund Jayaram

Geena Panzitta

Grant Rosenberger

Taylor Shiroff

Christopher J. Walker

Isabella Wang

Center for Inflation Research
The Cleveland Fed’s Center for Inflation Research is the hub for “all things inflation,” providing a combination of research, analyses and data, background and commentary, and an annual conference series dedicated to inflation.

Regional Data, Analysis, and Engagement
Explore economic trends and the circumstances impacting the economy and diverse communities of the Federal Reserve’s Fourth District, which includes all of Ohio, western Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and the northern panhandle of West Virginia.

Research Analysts
Research analysts play a key role in our research. Assisting economists in areas of microeconomics, macroeconomic policy, macroeconomic forecasting, and banking and finance, they develop indicators and data, in addition to gaining marketable skills for the next step in their careers.