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The Policy Summit

The Cleveland Fed’s premier conference on community and economic development

Background and history

Community development issues such as workforce and economic development, small business, and affordable housing affect regions across the nation in distinct ways. Since the early 2000s, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland has convened a regional policy forum that explores how such issues play out in low- and moderate-income communities.

What to expect when you attend

The biennial Policy Summit is a multi-day event dedicated to exploring best practices, policies, and programs that impact communities across the United States. It ensures that local voices are part of the national dialogue about solutions to promote economic mobility and resilience.

Attendees can access timely research and best practices at the local, state, and federal levels; learn how to design and implement proven programs and strategies; and build new relationships with peers from across the country.

I thought it was the most valuable conference I’ve attended in a long time . . . lovingly put together, with a visible emphasis on value for participants.

Who should attend?

Previous attendees from across our region and the United States have included

  • community and economic development practitioners
  • bankers
  • elected officials
  • grantmakers
  • researchers
  • policymakers
  • students