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Reserve Account Management and Payment System Risk

How can financial institutions access information on reserve balances and the amount of interest earned?

Reserves Central provides resources and tools to help financial institutions access information on reserve balances and related calculations, such as the amount of interest earned on those balances. From Reserves Central, financial institutions can review their reserve balances and drill down into interest calculations.

What is the Term Deposit Facility?

The Term Deposit Facility (TDF) is a program under which the Federal Reserve offers term deposits to institutions that are eligible to receive interest on the balances they maintain at the Reserve Bank. An eligible institution may place funds at its Reserve Bank in a term deposit for an agreed upon number of days and reduce the amount of reserves it holds.

What are excess balance accounts?

Excess balance accounts are limited-purpose accounts for maintaining the excess balances of institutions that are eligible to earn interest on balances at Federal Reserve Banks. The participating eligible institutions ("participants") authorize another institution ("agent") to manage the excess balance account on their behalf.

Are reserve requirements still in effect?

Effective March 26, 2020, the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent. This action effectively eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions.

Reserves resources

What is the Federal Reserve Board of Governors’ Payment System Risk (PSR) policy?

  • The PSR policy addresses the risks that payment systems present to the Federal Reserve Banks, the banking system, and other sectors of the economy.
  • One component of the PSR policy is to govern institutions’ use of Federal Reserve intraday credit, also referred to as “daylight overdrafts.”
  • A daylight overdraft occurs when funds in an institution’s reserve account are insufficient to cover account debits Fedwire(1) funds transfers, incoming Fedwire securities transfers, or other payment activity processed by a Reserve Bank such as check or automated clearinghouse (ACH) transactions.

Payment System Risk resources

  1. Fedwire is a registered service mark of the Federal Reserve Banks Return to 1