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Banking and Payments

Application Filings and Notices
Banking market information is used in connection with applications to evaluate the effects of proposals on competition in local banking markets. The information below relates to Fourth District Federal Reserve Banking Markets.

Banking Supervision
The Cleveland Fed supervises over 260 financial institutions headquartered in the Fourth Federal Reserve District. Included in that number are commercial banks, savings and loan companies, and bank holding companies.

Becoming a State Member Bank
State-chartered banks can become members of the Federal Reserve System provided they meet certain requirements.

Cash Services
The Cash Services team helps ensure that depository institutions have sufficient supplies of currency and coin to meet public demand.

Community Reinvestment Act
Recent CRA performance evaluations of state member banks examined by the Federal Reserve of Cleveland are listed below.

Discount Window and Collateral
Find the information and forms needed to borrow from the Cleveland Fed's discount window, which lends to financial institutions during times of stress.

Electronic Submission
There are currently several methods of reporting available: data entry and file upload via Reporting Central, file transfer via Central Data Repository for submitting the Call Report data, file upload via Structure Central, and data entry via FR Y-10 Online.

How to File a Complaint
As a consumer, you have the right to file a complaint against a financial institution you believe has either acted unfairly or deceptively towards you, discriminated against you, or violated a federal consumer protection law or regulation.

Fraud Awareness
Unfortunately, fraudulent activity and scams claiming to be involved with Federal Reserve Banks are a common occurrence. That's why we want to be clear about the role of the Fed and the dangers presented by these schemes and make you aware of some typical forms they take.

FR Y-6 Reports Archive
View historical copies of the Annual Report of Holding Companies (FR Y-6) filed by top-tier holding companies in the fourth district.

Institution Data
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland collects data from hundreds of financial institutions, including depository institutions, bank holding companies, and other financial and non-financial entities. Data collected from these institutions by the Federal Reserve and other regulatory agencies are available on our website.

Payments Systems Research and Engagement
Cleveland Fed payments experts conduct research in support of the Federal Reserve System’s advancement of safe, efficient, inclusive, and innovative payments systems.

Report Series Information
Instructions, filing due dates, training, and contacts for questions are available for each reporting form the Cleveland Fed collects from financial institutions.

Reserve Account Management and Payment System Risk
Financial institutions may check their reserve balances, monitor their interest earned, and learn more about reserve requirements.