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Indicators and Data

Median CPI
The median CPI is a measure of inflation computed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. It ranks the components of CPI inflation and picks the one in the middle. Its construction makes it less sensitive to short-lived price fluctuations, thereby better capturing the trend in prices. Released monthly.

Median PCE Inflation
Median PCE inflation is a measure of inflation computed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. It ranks the components of PCE inflation and picks the one in the middle. Its construction makes it less sensitive to short-lived price fluctuations, thereby better capturing the trend in prices. Released monthly.

Inflation Expectations
We report average expected inflation rates over the next one through 30 years. Our estimates of expected inflation rates are calculated using a Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland model that combines financial data and survey-based measures. Released monthly.

Survey of Firms' Inflation Expectations
The Survey of Firms’ Inflation Expectations (SoFIE) is a large quarterly representative panel of firms in the manufacturing and services sectors that was created to measure inflation expectations of chief executive officers (CEOs) in the United States. Released quarterly.

Inflation Nowcasting
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland provides daily “nowcasts” of inflation for two popular price indexes, the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI). These nowcasts give a sense of where inflation is today. Released each business day.

Yield Curve and Predicted GDP Growth
We use the yield curve to predict future GDP growth and recession probabilities. The spread between short- and long-term rates typically correlates with economic growth. Predications are calculated using a model developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Released monthly.

Simple Monetary Policy Rules
We present federal funds rates coming from a range of simple monetary policy rules based on multiple economic forecasts. Use our tool to create your own rule. Released quarterly.

Systemic Risk Indicator
We gauge perceptions of systemic risk in the US financial services industry based on financial market data. Estimates are calculated using a model developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Released weekly.

Credit Easing
These interactive charts allow you to view the assets on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and to see how their composition has changed following the financial crisis in 2008. Released weekly.

Consumers and COVID-19
We provide survey results from asking consumers questions related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Released weekly until May 4, 2022.

Survey of Regional Conditions and Expectations (SORCE)
SORCE indexes are based on our survey of business and community leaders and provide a timely summary of economic activity in our region, which includes all of Ohio and parts of Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Released twice each quarter.

Center for Inflation Research
The Cleveland Fed’s Center for Inflation Research is the hub for “all things inflation,” providing a combination of research, analyses and data, background and commentary, and an annual conference series dedicated to inflation.
Additional Research Resources
Cleveland Fed economists occasionally update data and results associated with their research. These experimental data series and model outputs are separate from the Cleveland Fed’s official indicators and data releases.